You may need a lot of money to do big things and small monies to
do small things. Yet small monies can stop big things from happening and a
disrespect for big monies can stop even the smallest things. If you are looking
millions of naira to start that first business, you may simply be looking for a
more expensive school of hard knocks!
Money: It does the bigger things when saved! |
The Choicest Schools of Business Intelligence are many times very
cheap in monetary terms.
Money accumulates on the platform of sacrifice and refusal to fall
for money-sapping emotion. Gather all the money from gifts to savings and
stash them altogether into one. Money has no grade or colour. Accumulate and
load the small monies like a bullet in a gun and one day, you may be shocked at
what it could shoot and kill.
Interestingly as soon as it works, no one will tell you to repeat
The big shot will be yours as
you do this. Load the Money.
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