Saturday, May 14, 2016


Each time I recall the entry of Rose after she was invited by Jack from the royal 1st class Party of the big ship in the film, Titanic into that Gaelic storm steering band's heated live performance at the Titanic's 3rd class Ship Base, I am compelled to affirm that creativity carries happiness around like an electromagnetic force exciting both the judge and the audience.

Happiness is not locked up in a Moet, a Marlboro, a Mulatto, a Mercedes or in a wrap of Marijuana but sediments in the dormancy of creativity. The popping up of your genius leads to the discovery of true self-happiness. Wealth or poverty in the absence of creativity or problem solving skills leads only to non-fulfillment, loneliness or bitterness. People doing what they should be doing are always happy. Whether they live in the eyebrow areas  or in the creeks does not matter! In fact, creativity till today, still makes the ordinary dine with the royals! 

Smash anything that attacks your creativity by wasting the innovative thinking space  and thinking time of your mind. Secrets, wrongdoing, fear etc are creativity killers. 

Jack and Rose at the very creative Gaelic band live show in the film, Titanic
Burst them! Put a smile on someone's face daily through your genius. It will come back to you in folds.

There is a joy unspeakable when you can boldly say "I have found my place". Hard work, innovation, wisdom, information and God's help are inevitably needed on the way there. Inch daily into your passion. 

...And then you will find out, not too long after that not only is your creativity a source of fulfillment to you, but also the reference point for inspiration and Happiness for others.

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