Saturday, May 14, 2016


As a young man, I have concentrated on several things- sex, women, God, academics and business at different points in time. I have found out that you will get and become what you focus your mind and energy on. Think positive and it will come to you.  Deepen your mind academically and you will soon be a faculty. Follow the money and some will always follow you. Give attention to a thing and it will instruct you some day. You will soon access what you pump your mind and energy into.
The energies of a young person is limitless. Its the real energy. You can do more now than when you are 70.
We can always deceive ourselves about where we are and what we are doing but we cannot deceive ourselves about what we think. Where our mind is always, matters the most. What controls your mind? What takes your mind out of your body? That is who you are and that is how you became who you are. That is also what will determine what you will become.
Looks and appearance are the fakest covers of personalities. Inside that short under-estimated man may be the continuous exertion of mental energy to access and achieve. Underneath that most beautiful face might be the most-wasted mind. Watch out!
Audit your mind. Shut down heavy thoughts of frivolities like sex and masturbation. Let your career take a larger thinking space and soon, that intense energy available to focus and concentrate will lead you into access, innovation and ultimately breakthrough!

Thank you

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