I grew up in a home where my dad had
a land surveying business. He was a tough man and will not play with his job.
For his hard stand, many of us stayed away from his profession. As success
grew, so we grew and it began to occur to me that daddy will not always be 42
years old. That he is growing older and would one day need everyone and want us
all around him. It never happened.
No one is indispensable! So he believes, and he has developed a mechanism for surviving exiting staffs that shockingly resign. Painfully, it took a while to see that while his wish is to instill that value, he is not in any way getting younger and that even staffs will be a competition later.
No one is indispensable! So he believes, and he has developed a mechanism for surviving exiting staffs that shockingly resign. Painfully, it took a while to see that while his wish is to instill that value, he is not in any way getting younger and that even staffs will be a competition later.
Good Parents teach like the masters. Learn from them!
The greatest privilege you enjoy in family businesses is the existence of a carved
market and the privilege of learning without many mistakes. The business may
not look big now but that is your new worthy burden. Between sole
proprietorship and multinational businesses is a management needed in your
person that must be able to tell competition that “It’s not business as usual”.
Your parent's business is a personal
and extra gift for you. The magnitude of your capacity to expand the business
might just go, not less but greater and better than it was transmitted you if you commit yourself to it.
Just re-lace your boot and take your